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Develop logistics plans for facility as part of Masterplan

April 06, 2016 5348 Views

Euroma is a European high-quality supplier of herbs, spices, seasonings, marinades, sauces and other flavorings.

Based on their long term Business Plan with progressive growth, Euroma saw their existing production & warehousing facilities meet their capacity boundaries. Euroma had to develop a Masterplan for the site, aiming to improve the workflows and extend capacities for future needs.

Analysis of processes led to various feasible storage and handling solutions, from fully manual to semi-automated. Based on investments, m2, FTEs, costs, risks, quality etc, an advice was given as to the best concepts for Euroma. Configuring the optimal site lay out resulted in changes and an extension to the current building set up. All the production steps, raw materials, WIP-stock and final product stock were included. Considerations were: minimize crossing flows, focus on optimizing the main flows, separating specific products in line with contamination-prevention guidelines; General Food Law.


  • Developing the future goods flows and inventory levels based on growth scenario’s
  • Thorough quantitative and qualitative rationed trade-off between relevant logistic concepts
  • Reliable indications for building requirements, m2 and investments to continue the internal processes leading to realization.